The Feminine Way to High Ticket Sales£399

Are you struggling to post content consistently?

Do you find yourself setting time aside to write content, but never get around to it?

And this leaves you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and comparing yourself to other coaches

So you …

Find any excuse to not go live such as "my kids are noisy" or "my hair is a mess"

Wait for the right time to post, like when you're in the car away from your kids or in a car park when no one is around

Feel guilty for not putting in more effort to writing

Compare yourself to other coaches in your niche and feel disappointed with your brand

Do the writing, posting and engagement yourself leaving you overwhelmed. You don't want to delegate

Burnt out, overwhelmed and frustrated because of the lack of time

Bought tons of programs on lead gen, selling and marketing but haven't got round to studying them

Feel anxious raising prices incase people can't afford it or be considered way too expensive

Recession has you by the edges/hijab so selling feels sleazy

I have some good news for you

You're absolutely normal!

Social media is a relatively new platform.

Over the last 10 years, we've learned that when we click a button, it shares our thoughts with billions of people

So of course that feels slightly daunting and your wonder

"Did I say the right thing"?

"What if I get cancelled"?

"What if she doesn't buy"?

"What if no one ever buys because I'm too expensive"?

We are in information overload so the only mechanism we have in your minds is to compare and compete

This keeps you in masculine energy when your power is in your feminine

Your feminine is very trusting of the process. It likes to submit, let go and attract

When you learn how to harness the power of your feminine, content creation becomes natural and easy

The way to unleash your feminine power is to rewire the subconscious beliefs that are keeping you stuck in hustle

Your subconscious holds up to 3 billion terabytes of data.

So if you have beliefs such as

I'm not good enough

I'm a failure

I'm unlovable

I'll be cancelled

There's not enough money

I have to work hard for money

I can't rely on anyone


Water down your message afraid of criticism/hate

Keep your prices low worrying people won't buy

Work with difficult clients who don't pay on time or do the work

Run your business alone because you like to be in control

Attract freebie seekers

Focus on looking perfect rather than being authentic

Feel frustrated and overwhelmed because you're hustling like a worker instead of positioning yourself as an expert

Imagine …

Getting consistent DMs from premium potential clients wanting to work with you

Seeing notifications from PayPal that your invoice has been paid in full

Posting content consistently and it feels easy

Knowing what to say, writing content from the heart. No more writers block

Raising your prices and people say "yes I'm in"!

You can easily attract premium clients who say YES to your $3k+ offer

In this 2 hour Masterclass

You'll learn

The No.1 mistake you're making with your content that's keeping your inbox dry

How premium clients think and when they buy

3 subconscious beliefs repelling premium clients

How to use your feminine energy to handle objections

The trick 7 figure copywriters use to write content for the YEAR

The strategy to writing content, without ever having to sit in front of your computer for hours

How to handle the fear of saying you're an "expert" This is a 2 hour Masterclass that was recorded LIVE

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  • 1xThe Feminine Way to High Ticket Sales£399

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